Gibbs sampling is essentially a heuristic method, and it is easy to trap into a non-optimal "local maximum". 吉布斯采样识别模式的算法本质上是一个启发式搜索方法,容易陷入非全局最优的局部最大值。
The targets are separated off from searching for local maximum, determining threshold and combining with the correlation of image frames. 搜索局部极大值,确定阈值并结合图像帧间的相关性分离出目标。
The local maximum and minimum in reflectance spectral curve, corresponding to reflectance apex and Absorption apex, can be used to retrieval also, but effective matching strategy should be adopted. 基于光谱特征的检索可以通过提取反射和吸收光谱、光谱特征匹配的方法进行;
A stationary point which is neither a local maximum nor a local minimum point is called a saddle point. 一个既不是局部极大点又不是局部极小点的平稳点称为一个鞍点。
Martin may well be right that this is a turning point, a local maximum, for free-market capitalism, but the danger to it comes from a different angle than he expresses. 马丁可能是对的,这是自由市场资本主义的一个转折点,一个局部最大值,但危险来自与马丁不同的角度。
A new level set way based on GVF was proposed, in order to solve the problem that the level set evolving curve will often stop on the local maximum or isolated edge. 针对传统水平集分割图像会出现演化曲线停止于梯度的局部极大值或孤立的边缘处的缺点,对速度停止项进行了改进。
It compares the infection on the position and size of local maximum point by the image data nonlinear transformation and an appropriate transformation function is selected. 文章比较了图像数据经不同的非线性变换后对局部极大值大小和位置分布的影响,找到了合适的变换函数。
The local maximum phenomenon in small angle for the coercivity weakens as the diameter increases. 随着直径增大,矫顽力出现峰值的角度越来越大,小角度的局域极大现象越来越弱。
Finally, those points with local maximum feature strength were selected as vertices of polygonal. 最后将具有局部极大特征强度的点作为多边形的顶点。
The point at which there exists the highest local maximum is the calculated optimal value. 如此便得到边界上的一些点。然后对其中的每一个点搜索其邻域的局部最大值,取最高的局部最大值对应的点作为所求的最优解。
Between flare opening and spinning period, the local maximum moisture zone is formed. 在大喇叭口期和吐丝期之间,形成一个局部最高水分区域。
These local maximum energy curves are used to estimate the natural frequencies and the complex mode shapes. 此尺度值可用于估计结构的频率。这些局部能量聚积脊线对应的小波系数可用于估计结构的复模态。
A new method for image edge detection is proposed based on local maximum of the first derivative and zero crossing of the second derivative. 本文提出了一种基于一阶导数局部极大值和二阶导数零交叉点的图像边缘检测方法。
We obtain a local maximum principle for the semilinear nonuniformly elliptic equations in divergence form, and then show the local C1'1 estimate and a Bernstein type result for the solutions of the Hessian equations. 本文获得了一个半线性散度型非一致椭圆方程的局部最大值原理,并由此导出了Hes-sian方程解的局部C1,1估计和一个Bernstein型结果。
The density value of every pixel is estimated according to the adjusted bandwidth of color, and the local maximum value of density is searched using direct density searching method. 根据调整后的颜色带宽,估计每个像素的密度值,并采用直接搜索的方法搜索局部密度极大值点。在局部模式检测之后。
The algorithm is optimized using the local maximum value of the potential and the steepest descent direction. 人工势场在局部极大值和最速下降方向方面的特殊性质进一步优化了算法。
In this paper, an improved local maximum entropy average thresholding method is implemented according to the maximum entropy method presented by Pun. 本文根据Pun的最大熵算法提出了一种改进的局部最大熵均值综合阈值选取方法。
In this paper, symmetric solution with exactly one local maximum point is constructed for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem. 讨论了在对称区域上,奇异扰动Neumann问题只有一个局部最大值点的对称解。
Because characteristics of signal singularity differ from that of noise, the local maximum of their binary wavelet transform modules is also different. 由于信号和噪声具有不同的奇异性,它们的二进小波变换模的极大值在不同尺度下的传播特性也不相同。
Based on the multi scale wavelet transform of the orientation curves we can utilize the information of local maximum positions to detect and locate the corners. 对边缘围线的方向曲线进行多尺度小波变换,利用变换结果的局部最大值信息检测和定位出图像角点。
A filtering method based on wavelet transform with local maximum value was discussed. The method could distinguish signal from the noise according to the different features of scale change. 小波变换局部极大值滤波方法利用信号与噪声不同的尺度变化特性来区分信号与噪声,将噪声从信号中分离出来。
Genetic algorithm can optimum the better weights and thresholds for BP neural network to overcome the slow convergence and local maximum. Sensitivity analysis by neural network can show the order of affections of input variables. 遗传算法优化BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值,克服BP神经网络收敛速度慢、陷入局部最优点问题,可以更好的拟合数据;神经网络敏感度分析可以呈现输入变量的影响程度。
The neural network model based on the statistical theory, with advantages of short training time and difficult to converge to the local maximum point, but its network structure limits its output only as a category classification. 这种基于统计原理的神经网络模型,具有训练时间短且不易收敛到局部极大点的优点,但其网络结构限制了它只能作为分类器输出分类结果。
A new random corner detection method under Monte Carlo scheme is developed, which transforms corner detection into local maximum search in the accumulative intersection space, not the traditional parameter space. 本文提出了一种新的MonteCarlo框架下的随机角点检测方法,不是在参数空间中求解,而是将角点检测转换为交点累积空间中寻找局部极值的问题。
In this paper, the distance transform technique based on the serial algorithm is proposed to construct the topology image, with the searching the markers with the local maximum line method and merging the duplicate tags in the same region. 提出了用基于串行算法的距离变换来构造拓扑图像、用局部极大值线段方法搜索标记点、并对相同区域重复标记做合并的标记提取方法。
PV array output characteristics under shadowed conditions have multi local maximum power point. 在阴影影响下光伏阵列输出特性存在多个局部最大功率点,传统最大功率点跟踪算法不能区别真正的最大功率点。
In this case, the traditional maximum power point tracking method may find a local maximum power point only, this will cause large power losses. 在这种情况下,传统的最大功率点跟踪方法往往只能找到其中的某个局部最大功率点,而不是全局最大功率点,这将造成比较大的功率损失。
In K-means, it needs to predefine the number of clusters, and can not converge to the local maximum. 对K-means聚类算法而言,其不但需要预先指定聚类的簇数,而且不能真正收敛到局部极值点。
Most of inner channel interpolation algorithms will never interpolate local maximum or minimum. 大多数层内插值算法插值不出局部最大值和最小值。
Fuzzy clustering for image segmentation should be a pre-determined to the number of clusters, and the method that initializes the center point randomly is easy to increase the iteration time and get into a local maximum. 模糊聚类的图像分割聚类数目要预先确定,而且随机的中心点初始化方法容易增加迭代运算的时间和陷入局部极值。